
Sunday May 28, 2017
"To the Ends of the Earth..."
Sunday May 28, 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
"Be mywitnesses in Jerusalem, Judeas and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Jesus' final words to his disciples, as recorded by Luke in the Acts of the Apostles have been at the heart of the missionary vocation of the Church since the beginning. The story of one "local" missionary, Archbishop Charles John Seghers, reminds us of how powerful that command has been across the centuries. We are also reminded that "the ends of the earth" is not a matter of geography, but far more, the human heart. We are all called to be share the Gospel of Jesus Christ no matter where we are, by first planting it in the deep recesses of our own human heart.

Sunday May 21, 2017
"I will not leave you orphans..."
Sunday May 21, 2017
Sunday May 21, 2017
"Annie" notwithstanding, being an orphan through most of human history has meant life in complete destitution. When Jesus promises to his disciples on the night before he dies that he will not leave them orphans, he is using a very potent and grave image. His promise is all the more powerful, not just for the Twelve, but for all of us.

Sunday May 14, 2017
What is God like?
Sunday May 14, 2017
Sunday May 14, 2017
The apostle, Philip's request to Jesus in the 14th chapter of John's Gospel, "Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us," is not so different from a five-year-old's question to his/her mom: "What is God like?" The answer: To know Jesus is to know what God is like.

Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Believing in what we don't see
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
The Big Bang Theory has a curious corrolary: at some point in the future, all the stars of the universe will have been blown out so far by the Big Bang that they will no longer be visible to us on earth. The night sky will be starless and dark. Will people then believe the testimony of our generations who tell of such stars in the sky or will they believe only in what they can see with their own eyes?
It is a question that brings us to Thomas and his famed doubting...believing only what he could see and not the testimony of others. His story of coming to faith reminds us that faith in what we cannot see

Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Alleluia! A Reflection on Power
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
ALLELUIA! An Easter morning reflection on power.

Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Jesus' Passion and Death: And Now We Weep
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
The previous Sunday, we found Jesus weeping at the cold, hard tomb of Lazarus.
Today, it is we who now weep at the cold, hard tomb of Jesus.

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
The Prodigal Son 3: The Elder Brother Who Won't Come Home
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
In the third of three reflections on the magnificent parable of the Prodigal Son, Father Kevin offers insight into the end of the story, which features the Father's encounter with the elder brother, a stand-in, obviously, for those Pharisees who have challenged Jesus' practice of sharing table fellowship with sinners.
Father Kevin's reflections are largely based on the book by Kenneth E. Bailey, The Cross & The Prodigal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants. Click here for a link to the book on Amazon: CLICK!

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
The Prodigal Son 2: "Johnny Comes Marching Home Again..."
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
In the second of three reflections on the parable of the Prodigal Son, Father Kevin retells the heart of the story: the Father's welcome back into the family and community of his lost son, now found!
Father's reflections on the parable are largely based on the book by Kenneth E. Bailey, The Cross & the Prodigal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants. Click here for the link to Amazon: CLICK!

Thursday Apr 06, 2017
The Prodigal Son 1: Two Bad Boys and One Kind of Bad Dad
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
Thursday Apr 06, 2017
On April 6, 2017, Father Kevin shared three reflections on the parable of the Prodigal Son at a Day of Prayer at Immaculate Heart Retreat House in Spokane. This is the first of his reflections, based largely on the book by Kenneth E. Bailey, The Cross & The Prodigal: Luke 15 Through the Eyes of Middle Eastern Peasants, Intervarsity Press, 2005. Click here for a link to the book on Amazon: CLICK!

Sunday Apr 02, 2017
And Jesus Wept.
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Three words: "And Jesus wept." Among the most important of the Gospels. They plunge us into the heart of the mystery of the Incarnation. In Jesus, God weeps with us and for us as one of us.